Deciding on the Scope of your Kitchen

When you make this list take a really hard look at what you need and what you want.  The cost of a new kitchen can be very expensive and it can often be quite surprising, so it is critical that you list your priorities in order of importance and function.

This is something that in most cases will change quite a bit between your first wish list to the final project scope. But for now, write out a list of everything you expect and hope to accomplish. Be thorough. In the world of construction and design there are so many unexpected costs for the consumer, we urge you to really figure out everything you want, everything you can’t live without. This list will be honed down to the final project scope once you created your budget, got all your bids, updated the budget and the prioritized the projects needs. Most times the budget cannot allow for the entire wish list to happen at once and we recommend that the project gets broken down into phases. The phases are identified based on the priorities and what makes sense to do at the same time. Our quick rule of the thumb on how to decide what happens in each phase, is that we recmmend that you focus on what can’t be changed later. For example if redoing your floors is on your list, we recommend that it is one of the first things you do before you move into your house, because if you wait you will have to remove and store all your furniture. Here is our section on making Priorities so that you can break your project into phases if needed. We have categorized what we think should matter first and what can wait.


  1. Assess your needs by creating your Wish List for the Project. Use our Questionaire to help guide you through your List

  2. Know your Costs

    • You need to have a basic idea of what the items you have on your list will cost. So talk to your contractors, designers, sub contractors and any specialists needed to get as accurate ballpark numbers to start understanding what you wish list will cost. We have created a budgeting page with tips to help you. These numbers will be rough at this point and they will be refined as the project continues, but hopefully you will be able to see what you should and can focus on and what will have to wait until a later phase. By working with a General Contractor, Architect or Interior Designer they will be able to help you make these decisions in this process. If not, take it item by item, researching the costs and updating them into the Budget spreadsheet.

  3. If you have a specific timeframe that you require the project takes, make sure to see if it is reasonable by talking it through with the contractor and other design professionals you work with on. your project.

  4. Refine your Wish List into the Project Scope. By using the budget you have created, setting your Priorities based on your needs and the budget as well as making sure the scope fits your timeline.

  5. Get really organized and take the Project Scope and enter that into your working Project Worksheet. This is a working document that lists every items that goes into a job or has to be purchased for the job. We start off our projects with a checklist per room, and once we narrow down our Project Scope, we move everything over to our working project worksheet that will be updated throughout the entire project and when it is updated, it should be distributed to the rest of the team on the job. Download a copy of our Project Worksheet and customize it to your project.


  1. Finalize your Floor Plan, including furniture layout

  2. Lighting Plan, including decorative lighting

  3. Callout Materials for Budget (Use our highlighted guides for additional information)

    1. Flooring : Wood Floors, Tile Floors & Wall to Wall

    2. Windows & Doors (including hardware that often comes with sliding doors)

    3. Crown Molding, Paneling, Window & Door Casings & Baseboard

    4. Cabinets

    5. Hard Materials (Countertops & Tile)

    6. Wallcoverings: Paint, Tile & Wallpaper

    7. Plumbing Fixtures

    8. Light Fixtures.

    9. Door Hardware: Interior, Exterior, Sliding, Privacy, Passage, Pocket door with lock, Sliding door

    10. Window Treatments: Labor, Fabric, Hardware & Trim

    11. Rugs,

    12. Furniture,

    13. Art and Accessories,


See our guides to help breakdown the ordering process. When finically possible we love it when all items can be shipped and stored to a receivers. That way they can inspect items on arrival and store everything safely. Tips to confirm before you hire a receivers When ordereing PLEASE make sure that all furniture can be brought into house. You must consider: Front Door Opening Hallways, bends in hallways Stairways. Room Doorways

When you make this list take a really hard look at what you need and what you want.  The cost of a new kitchen can be very expensive and it can often be quite surprising, so it is critical that you list your priorities in order of importance and function]